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To agree the approach to review of the SCIs for SCDC and City in respect of Neighbourhood Plans.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Executive Proposals: Change to plan or strategy;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/05/2018
Decision due: 26 Jun 2018 by Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Lead member: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Lead director: Joint Director, Greater Cambridge Shared Planning and 3C Building Control
Department: Planning and Economic Development
Contact: Email:, Caroline Hunt, Strategic Planning Manager SCDC & City Email: Tel: 01954 713196.
Additional Information: This is a key item and will automatically appear on the agenda.
Background Information: Legislation now requires explicit reference to the support package available for Neighbourhood Plan preparation to be included in Statements of Community Involvement.