Council and democracy
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To amend the constitution to give delegated authority to the Head of Environmental Services for all matters in relation to hackney carriage, Private Hire, Vehicles, drivers, proprietors and operators.
Decision type: Non-key - Low
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Decision due: 30 Jan 2017 by Licensing Committee
Lead director: Strategic Director (SH)
Department: Licensing
Contact: Yvonne O'Donnell, Environmental Health Manager Email:
Additional Information: This item will automatically appear on the agenda.
Background Information: This matter was taken to Licensing Committee in October 2017 where the delegated authority was given to the Head of Service for some matters in relation to hackney carriage and private hire. This delegation has been challenged and having reviewed the wording of the current delegation it was felt that the wording should be amended as per the recommendation above.