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Delegated Officer Decision Making in Respect of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Taxi Policy and to Update the Council Constitution Accordingly

Members are asked to approve:

·       Delegated authority to Officers in relation to certain Taxi Licensing decisions in accordance with the Taxi Policy.

·       Updating the Council Constitution to take into account the new delegations to Officers.

Decision type: Non-key - Low

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/08/2016

Decision due: 17 Oct 2016 by Licensing Committee

Lead director: Strategic Director (SH)

Department: Licensing

Contact: Vickie Jameson, Environmental Health & Licensing Support Team Leader Email: victoria.jameson@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: This item will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: Enforcement issues or breaches of policy in relation to Taxi’s are referred to the Licensing sub-committee. This includes any matter or issue which is a breach of the Taxi Policy. It is proposed to introduce a process of delegated officer decision making to the Environmental Health Manager for matters where the Taxi policy requirements are not met or breached, rather than refer every situation to the Licensing Sub-Committee.


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