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To revise the arrangements for setting priorities for the use of S106 contributions for outdoor sports and indoor sports facilities. The report will also seek to defer setting out arrangements for the next round of priority-setting for the use of community facilities contributions until the strategic review of community provision has been completed in 2017/18.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant effect on communities living or working in any ward in Cambridge;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/08/2016
Decision due: 6 Oct 2016 by Executive Councillor for Communities.
Lead member: Executive Councillor for Communities.
Department: Corporate Strategy
Contact: Tim Wetherfield, Urban Growth Project Manager Email: Tel: 01223 457313.
Additional Information: This is a key decision and will automatically appear on the agenda.
Background Information: This separate report on the S106 priority-setting arrangements for the use of community and sports facility S106 contributions recognises particular issues facing those contribution types, not least in the context of the development of related strategies. The report is set in the context that S106 funding availability is tapering off and running down and is not spread evenly.