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Homelessness Prevention Grants

For Members to note and approve homelessness prevention grant allocations for 2015-16 and delegated authority for grant awards to the Head of strategic Housing.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £300,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2014

Decision due: 14 Jan 2015 by Executive Councillor for Housing

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Housing

Lead director: Director of Customer and Community Services

Department: Strategic Housing

Contact: David Greening, Assistant Director of Housing (interim) Email: David.Greening@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: This is a key decision and will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: Homelessness prevention grants have been under delegated authority to the Head of Strategic Housing. The delegated authority requires renewal from 1.4.15. Other grants, formerly known as grants to housing agencies have gone to committee as and when grant renewals were required. These were also grants that assisted with homelessness prevention but not under delegated authority. This report brings the two together.


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