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Council's Enforcement Policy

To endorse the Councils' Enforcement Policy.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/08/2014

Decision due: 20 Oct 2014 by Leader of the Council

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Director of Environment

Department: Licensing

Contact: Yvonne O'Donnell, Environmental Health Manager Email: yvonne.odonnell@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Councillor Bick and Councillor Smith.

Background Information: The current enforcement policy was reviewed in 2010. A new regulator's code came into force in April 2014 requiring the Councils' Policy to be reviewed in line with the codes new principles of enforcement. The policy is in the process of being reviewed and is required to be endorsed by the appropriate Executive Councillor.


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