Council and democracy
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This paper reports progress on the assessment of the feasibility of developing sites in the Council's 3 Year Rolling Programme and recommends that new sites be added to the programme. The paper also provides an up-date on the wider Affordable Housing Programme.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Executive Proposals;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/02/2014
Decision due: 1 Jul 2014 by Executive Councillor for Housing
Lead member: Executive Councillor for Housing
Lead director: Director of Customer and Community Services
Department: Strategic Housing
Contact: Email:
Additional Information: This is a key decision and will automatically appear on the agenda.
Background Information: This paper reports progress on the assessment of the feasibility of developing sites in the Council's 3 Year Rolling Programme and recommends that new sites be added to the programme. The paper also provides an up-date on the wider Affordable Housing Programme.