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Issue details

developer contributions

To short-list or prioritise options for strategic priority projects for the use of outdoor and indoor sports facilities contributions.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant effect on communities living or working in any ward in Cambridge;

Decision status: Withdrawn

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/11/2013

Decision due: 13 Mar 2014 by Executive Councillor for Communities.

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Communities.

Lead director: Director of Environment

Department: Environment

Contact: Tim Wetherfield, Urban Growth Project Manager Email: tim.wetherfield@cambridge.gov.uk Tel: 01223 457313.

Additional Information: This is a key decision and will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: In October 2013, the Executive Councillor for Community Well-being agreed to defer the second round short-listing of project ideas for the use of sports facilities contributions in the city-wide fund until the Cambridge Sports Strategy for 2014-17 had been developed.