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Article 4 Direction - Accordia Estate

To consider a draft Article 4 Direction and consultation process with regard to maintaining the appearance of the buildings, which have the effect of withdrawing permitted development rights.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Trumpington;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/08/2013

Decision due: 14 Jan 2014 by Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Lead director: Director of Environment

Department: Environment

Contact: Christian Brady, Principal Conservation and Design Officer Email: christian.brady@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Councillor Blencowe and Councillor O'Reilly

Background Information: Arises from June 2013 report to Environment Scrutiny Committee on "Consideration of the use of Article 4 Directions" and decision that officers draft an Article 4 Direction for the Accordia Estate and an accompanying consultation process for the consideration of a future Environmental Scrutiny Committee.


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