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Small Sites Affordable Housing Viability Assessment

Members will be asked to endorse the Small Sites Affordable Housing Viability Assessment as part of the evidence base for the Cambridge Local Plan 2014.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/05/2013

Decision due: 9 Jul 2013 by Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Lead director: Director of Environment

Department: Environment

Contact: Email: Joanna.Gilbert-Wooldridge@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Councillor Blencowe and Councillor Marchant-Daisley

Background Information: This assessment investigates the viability of seeking Affordable Housing provision on smaller housing sites within Cambridge. This assessment will inform the policy on Affordable Housing provision within the Cambridge Local Plan 2014 (Draft Submission).


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