Council and democracy
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To agree City Council member representation on a proposed appoint three City Councillors to the District Heating Scheme Sponsors’ Board; and to agree how the Council’s vote on the Board will operate.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/05/2013
Decision due: 8 Jul 2013 by Leader of the Council
Lead member: Leader of the Council
Lead director: Director of Environment
Contact: Email:
Additional Information: Not currently requested for pre-scrutiny.
Background Information: Further to previous studies and committee reports, the City Council and University are formalising their partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding and creating governance arrangements to steer the project forward through its development phase. The Executive Councillor needs to agree will be recommended to appoint three councillors to Board, and to agree how the Council’s proposed one vote on the Board will be operated.