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Executive post

Executive Councillor for Communities.


The portfolio is scrutinised by the Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee and covers the following:


Plans, policies and strategies

The development, implementation and monitoring of the Council’s plans, policies and strategies relating to:

·       The local welfare and community development needs of all neighbourhoods throughout the City.

·       The provision, promotion and development of policies and programmes to provide children and young people to play and participate in community life, including providing direction and advice to other committees of the Council in pursuance of these aims; the provision and promotion of leisure, sporting, artistic and cultural activities.

·       Anti-poverty initiatives and the Sharing Prosperity Fund, including the powers and duties of the Council in respect of issues relating to tackling inequality and the provision of opportunities for individuals and communities in the City to overcome disadvantage.

·       The provision and promotion of advice relating to citizens’ legal rights and responsibilities, social security benefits, money management, employment and immigration.

·       Supporting the Leader in the delivery of Equalities initiatives, and measures to tackle discrimination.

·       Detailed oversight of race equality, disability equality and equal opportunity in service delivery and Council policy.


Functions and Services

The exercise of the Council’s functions and the delivery of services including;

·       The powers and duties of the Council in respect of children's activities and youth facilities.

·       Community strategy including the powers and duties of the Council in respect of opportunities for individuals and communities in the City including:

o   education and self-development

o   play programmes

o   artistic, cultural, sporting and leisure activities and entertainments

o   the provision, maintenance and management of places of public entertainment, sport and recreation (including the Guildhall Halls)

o   council owned or operated community facilities

o   museums and art galleries

o   The Council’s responsibilities for public health, working with the county council and health services.

o   health promotion

·       Cemeteries and crematoria.

·       Public art.

·       Council communications and consultation strategy and delivery, including the Council’s website.



Progressing the objectives set out in this section by:

·       Direct provision.

·       Grant aid and other financial assistance to voluntary sector and other agencies.

·       Partnership,  joint work and liaison  with  public, private or voluntary sector organisations, including community and joint  use agreements,  community primary school agreements and  support for national lottery projects.

·       Regenerating and encouraging the development of community life and enabling local  communities to take action on their own behalf         

·       Giving advice and guidance to other Executive Councillors and committees of the Council on community engagement addressing, in particular, the needs of those experiencing social or economic inequality.

·       Advocacy.


The relevant exercise of compulsory purchase powers.


More Information


·       Executive posts and links to their details

·       The Executive Committee