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To approve the draw down up to £150,000 from reserves to design and implement improved governance and decision-making for the Council. The matter could not be considered within the timeframe of the Budget Setting Report. These resources will enable provision of programme management, technical support, training and implementation planning for any new arrangements to begin from the Annual General Meeting in 2025.
Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources
Decision published: 13/05/2024
Effective from: 10/05/2024
Record of Executive Decision
Funding for Cambridge City Council Governance Review
Decision of: Councillor
Simon Smith, Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources
Reference: 24/URGENCY/S&R/7
Date of decision: 09/05/2024
Date Published on
website: 13/05/2024
Decision Type: Non-Key
Is Subject to Call in?
To provide resources to
enable changes to Council governance arrangements.
Matter for Decision:
To draw down up
to £150,000 from reserves to design and implement improved governance and
decision-making for the Council. The matter could not be
considered within the timeframe of the Budget Setting Report. These resources
will enable provision of programme management, technical support, training and implementation planning for any new
arrangements to begin from the Annual General Meeting in 2025.
The Executive
Councillor’s decision:
Reasons for decision: As set out in
Any alternative options
considered and rejected: N/A
Scrutiny Consideration: The Chair and
Spokesperson(s) of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee were consulted
prior to decision. Cllr Robertson (Chair) agreed with the decision; Cllr
Bennett (Green) supported the decision. Cllr Bick (Liberal Democrat) disagreed
with the decision.
Lead officer: Dan Kalley