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Decisions published

13/08/2020 - Procurement of electricity supply contract 2020 ref: 5120    Recommendations Approved

Approval to procure the Council’s electricity supply contract via an ESPO framework contract.

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation

Decision published: 20/08/2020

Effective from: 13/08/2020



Record of Executive Decision



Procurement of electricity supply contract 2020



Decision of:

Councillor Robertson, Executive Councillor for  Strategy and Resources



Date of decision:             


Published on:  13/8/2020


Decision Type:

Key Decision

Matter for Decision:


Approval to procure the Council’s electricity supply contract via an ESPO framework contract. 

Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

There is a requirement to re-procure the Council’s electricity supply contract from 1st of October 2020. Spending on electricity is around £780,000 per year (estimated £3.1m over the life of the contract) so this is a key decision requiring approval from the Executive Councillor.


Energy prices fluctuate and have been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.  ESPO report prices are currently at a low level.  It is likely, although not certain, that electricity prices will increase this year.  It is therefore recommended that this procurement decision is made as an out of cycle decision rather than wait until strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee on 5th October 2020. 


The Executive Councillor’s decision(s):

      i.         Approved the purchase of electricity via the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) energy framework as outlined in option 3 of the briefing note.

    ii.         Approved the contract period for the provision of electricity should run for four years from the 1st October 2020 to the 30th September 2024.

   iii.         Authorised the Strategic Director or Head of Housing Maintenance and Assets to approve the actual electricity price tariff when the procurement is completed by ESPO.

Reasons for the decision:

As detailed in the Officer’s briefing note.

Scrutiny consideration:

The Chair and Spokesperson of Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee were consulted prior to the action being authorised.


Link to Officer briefing paper


Conflicts of interest:



The Opposition Spokes Councillor queried how the ESPO contract performance was monitored, if other frameworks had been considered and how long it would take these providers to provide an assessment.

The Officer responded that the new corporate Energy Manager post in the Estates and Facilities team will carry out a review of procurement options for energy but this will not be until the  start of 2021.  The review will include looking at alternative procurement frameworks and benchmarking prices.



Lead officer: Will Barfield

06/08/2020 - Revised Local Authority Discretionary Grant Policy Under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003 ref: 5109    Recommendations Approved

Approved the proposed changes to the applicant categories, grant funding levels and eligibility criteria to be incorporated in a revised version of the Council’s Discretionary Grant Fund policy; and delegated authority to the Strategic Director to finalise the revised Discretionary Grant Fund policy and processes, approve updates and oversee application assessment and grant distribution for the final period of the grant scheme

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation

Decision published: 10/08/2020

Effective from: 06/08/2020



Record of Executive Decision






Decision of:

Councillor Robertson,

Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources



Date of decision:


 Recorded on: 


Decision Type:


Matter for Decision:

In early June 2020, the Executive Councillor agreed a local policy for distributing government-funded discretionary grants to businesses, charities and not-for-profit organisations which were not eligible for earlier Covid-19 government funds and were struggling to survive the lockdown. This has enabled the Council to distribute just over half (£573,000) of the £1.1 million available by late July, but applications have now slowed down significantly. The proposed revisions to the grant policy which require a decision are set out in section 3 of the attached report.

Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

The policy needs to be revised so that a wider range of relevant businesses and other relevant organisations can be paid grants from the remaining funding before the Government closes the national scheme to applicants on 28 August 2020. Officers have considered different options including: no change; top-ups for existing grant recipients; and possible changes to applicant categories, grant banding and amounts and eligibility criteria.

The Executive Councillor’s decision(s):

Approved the proposed changes to the applicant categories, grant funding levels and eligibility criteria to be incorporated in a revised version of the Council’s Discretionary Grant Fund policy; and delegated authority to the Strategic Director to finalise the revised Discretionary Grant Fund policy and processes, approve updates and oversee application assessment and grant distribution for the final period of the grant scheme.

Reasons for the decision:

As detailed in the Officer’s report. Link to the briefing paper for the Urgent Decision regarding Revised Local Authority Discretionary Grant Policy under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003

Scrutiny consideration:

The Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee and the Opposition Spokesperson were consulted prior to action being authorised.



Conflicts of interest:



The Opposition Spokes councillor queried the proposal to close the application round for market and street traders and bed & breakfasts. The Strategic Director confirmed that officers had put a lot of time into assisting and encouraging applications from market and street traders and B&Bs some have chosen not to apply for various reasons. As the time is now limited, the Executive Councillor has made the decision to give other key sectors priority.

The decision will be reported to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee on 5 October 2020.


Lead officer: Fiona Bryant