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Under Occupation Incentive Scheme

31/10/2013 - Under Occupation Incentive Scheme

Matter for Decision

As a result of the changes to Welfare Benefits, and in particular, the reduction of Housing Benefit for spare rooms it was felt appropriate to review the scheme.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing

The officer’s original recommendation was replaced with the following amendment and then agreed by the Executive Councillor:


To maintain the current Under Occupation Incentive Scheme until October 2013, with a further report being brought back to the next meeting of HMB which considers the current and future take up, and looks at practice across other Councils.


Reason for the Decision

To take on board the views of the Scrutiny Committee.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Proposals in the report to reduce the amount of money given in each case (in order for it to spread further) were rejected. 


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Area Housing Manager.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:


(i)             Raised concern that, with recent changes to Welfare Benefits, it may not be an appropriate time to review the scheme.

(ii)            Highlighted the need for it to remain as an ‘incentive’ scheme and not an ‘assistance’ scheme.

(iii)          Highlighted the benefit of the proposed £500 removals grant and additional £500 for those tenants doing mutual exchanges. 

(iv)         Noted that more people could be helped by maintaining the current scheme with an additional budget.


In response to Members’ questions the Executive Councillor confirmed the following:


(i)             It would not be advisable to revise budgets this early but suggested that they be looked at again in the autumn depending on take up of the revised scheme.

(ii)            Whilst it was proposed that the revised scheme only apply to those moving within HOMELINK properties, relocations outside of the area could be looked at on a case by case basis to see if assistance could be provided. 

(iii)          The additional £500 would not be means tested for welfare benefit purposes.


Councillor Price proposed and Councillor Blencowe seconded the following amended recommendation:


To maintain the current Under Occupation Incentive Scheme until October 2013, with a further report being brought back to the next meeting of HMB which considers the current and future take up, and looks at practice across other Councils.


On a show of hands the amended recommendation was endorsed by 9 votes to 3.


The Committee resolved (by 9 votes to 3) to endorse the amended recommendation.


The Executive Councillor deferred her decision for further consideration outside of the meeting.


The Housing Management Board was informed on 17 June 2013 that the Executive Councillor had approved the amended recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.