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Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

19/08/2013 - Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

The Committee received a report from Sergeant Norden regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee on 26 March 2013. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details). Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were theft of cycles in the East area, alcohol-related anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the Petersfield and Mill Road area, and drug dealing in the Riverside and Stourbridge Common area.


The Committee discussed the following policing issues:

(i)             Drug dealing in phone boxes.

(ii)            Anti-social behaviour (ASB) on the benches on Petersfield Green.

(iii)          Shoplifting across the East area.

(iv)         ASB in Brooks Road.

(v)           The need to address alcohol related ASB issues through Licencing Reviews.

(vi)         Drug dealing in Budleigh Close and Tiverton Close.

(vii)        Inappropriate parking in Mill Road.

(viii)      Fire setting at Burnside allotments.

(ix)         ASB in Newmarket Road.

(x)           ASB in Ditton Fields play area.


In response to members’ questions Sergeant Norden, the Fire Safety Officer and the Safer Communities Section Manager confirmed the following:


(i)             The Police were aware of the ASB at Petersfield Green and had been monitoring the situation. CCTV had been installed in the summer of 2012 but the images had been obstructed by foliage.


Councillor Marchant-Daisely confirmed that she had spoken to officers about the overhanging foliage, and Councillor Brown agreed to follow up if required.


(ii)            Cycle theft from Cambridge Leisure Park was no longer a major problem and the site now had its own Management Team in place.

(iii)          Agreed to liaise with Councillor Marchant-Daisely outside of the meeting regarding use of Section 27 Powers over the last 3 months.

(iv)         ‘Immobilise’ was a free website where members of the public could register their possessions. The site was then used by Police Forces across the country to locate the owners of recovered stolen property.

(v)           Recent fire setting activity had taken place in Dennis Road and Barnwell Road.

(vi)         Two people had been arrested for drug dealing in the Budleigh/Tiverton Close area.

(vii)        During the summer months ASB on open spaces would be monitored.

(viii)      Parking on zig-zag road markings could be enforced by both Police Officers and PCSO’s.

(ix)         Issues regarding speed cameras should be reported to the Safety Camera Partnership.

(x)           The Police were now monitoring the ‘Shape Your Place’ website for any reported issues.

(xi)         Updates were not yet available on speed checks in the Coldhams Lane and Whitehill Road areas.

(xii)        If the Committee felt that shop lifting was an ongoing issue it could be added to the list of priorities.


In response to a question from Councillor Walsh regarding the support offered to members of the streetlife community, Councillor Smart confirmed the following:


(i)   The City Council funded local charities, assisted with projects such as Jimmy’s Night Shelter and provided training programmes at local hostels.

(ii)  The City Council was the most successful of the three Making Every Adult Matter (MEAN) Project Pilots.

(iii)                    A detailed report on streetlife anti-social behaviour was taken to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee in October 2012 and could be accessed via the website.

(iv)                   A detailed report on the new Sub Regional Single Homelessness Service was taken to the Community Services Scrutiny Committee in June 2013 and could be accessed via the website.

(v) Three multi-agency workshops had been held recently to look at the issues and identify solutions.






The following priorities were unanimously agreed:


(i)             Reduce cycle theft and shoplifting in the East area.

(ii)            Tackle alcohol related ASB in the Petersfield area.

(iii)          Tackle the supply of drugs in the East area.