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Matter for Decision: To consider the Housing Revenue Account Budget Setting Report 2012/13 to
Decision of the Executive Councillor for Housing
The Executive Councillor resolved to recommend that Council
Approve capital
bids, including resource to re-roof HRA commercial property in Campkin Road and
funding to meet the relocation costs of existing residents in housing in Water
Lane and Aylesborough Close (subject to approval that the schemes proceed, as
shown in Appendix H of the HRA Budget Setting Report.
ii. Approve
re-phasing of both the expenditure, and external funding, in respect of the new
build affordable housing programme, in line with scheme specific approvals and
anticipated cash flows.
iii. Approve
the virement of £40,000 of resource from the communal area uplift allocation,
where work is still being done to produce full stock condition data, to the
budget for work to HRA commercial property, to facilitate the conversion of
ECCHO House to a twobedroom dwelling for social housing purposes at a total
cost of £95,000, as detailed in the project appraisal at Appendix P, and the
Housing Capital Investment Plan at Appendix N of the HRA Budget Setting Report.
iv. Approve
a reduction of £80,000 in each of the Disabled Facilities Grant and Private
Sector Housing Grants and Loans budgets in 2012/13 due to a combination of
reduced demand, coupled with a temporary reduction in activity by the new
Shared Home Improvement Agency whilst the service was set up. Permission is
sought to re-profile this resource to 2017/18, the end of the current funding
period, from which point future funding for this area of investment is at risk.
v. Approve
the revised Housing Capital Investment Plan as shown in Appendix N of the HRA
Budget Setting Report.
vi. Approve
a provisional addition to the Housing Capital Allowance of £25,358,000 in
respect of anticipated qualifying expenditure in 2013/14.
Reason for the Decision:
As per the officer report
Any alternative options considered and rejected:
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee received a report from the Housing Business
Manager regarding Housing Revenue Account Budget
Setting Report 2012/13 to 2016/17.
Further information was requested on the reasons for the
reduced demand for disabled facilities grants; the potential effect in future
years and what would happen if demand increased. The Head of Strategic Housing
explained that there had been reduced demand in the current financial year for
the grants, which were designed to provide improvements in private homes. The
committee were advised that grant requests came via Occupational Therapists and
requests were down. It was explained that any future increase in demand would
need to be managed through the budget process.
The committee endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensation granted):