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Standard Item: Write-Off of Former Tenant Arrears

09/04/2013 - Standard Item: Write-Off of Former Tenant Arrears

Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report set out details of 11 cases of current and former tenant arrears together with a summary of the action taken to try to recover these debts.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing

(i)             Approved that the three cases of current tenant arrears totaling £6,479.73 detailed in the attached appendix be written off, due to the expiration of a Debt Relief Order.

(ii)            Approved that the eight cases of former tenant arrears totalling £24,188.51, also detailed in the attached appendix, be written off due to recovery activity being exhausted.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

Committee did not request this item for pre-scrutiny.


In response to the report Councillor Rosenstiel commented there was a lack of liaison between local authorities and care homes, plus City Council Housing and Benefits Teams. He encouraged better join up in future so that properties could be freed up faster for new tenants when not required by previous ones.


In response to Members’ questions the Head of City Homes stated the following:


(i)             Former tenant arrears had not been given the same priority as current ones; this is why a significant sum had arisen. Former tenant arrears were now being looked at in a different way and would lead to better officer join up in future. Debts could mount up quickly and it was difficult to validate if someone died if there was no next of kin.

(ii)            Invited all HMB Members and Tenant Representatives to make an appointment to see City Homes staff and work through tenant arrears cases to see how the process worked.


The Head of City Homes undertook to liaise with interested HMB Members and Tenant Representatives post meeting.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.