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for Decision:
The report covered the draft Planning and Climate Change Portfolio Plan 2013-14, which sets
out the strategic objectives for the portfolio for the year ahead, describes
the context in which the portfolio was being delivered and detailed the
activities required to deliver the outcomes and the vision. Performance measures and risks are also shown
for each strategic objective.
Decision of Executive Councillor
for Planning and Climate Change
The Executive
Councillor resolved to:
i. Approve the draft Planning and Climate Change Portfolio Plan 2013-14.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee received a report from the Executive
Councillor for Planning and Climate Change regarding Portfolio Plan for
Concerns were
expressed about inherent tensions between the aspirations to preserve the
character of the city and the quality of the designs being agreed by the
planning system. The Executive Councillor disputed this and asked for details
on specific schemes where there were concerns. It was agreed that this would be
discussed outside this meeting. The Director of Environment stated that
officers were committed to getting the best possible outcomes for the city
within the realities and constraints of the planning process.
In response to
questions from the committee members the following points were confirmed:
i. The
district heating scheme project was making good progress and a Memorandum of
Understanding was due to be agreed with Cambridge University in the near
ii. No progress had yet been achieved towards a
Co-operative Energy Scheme.
iii. Officers were not present to explain why
there was no set target for CO2 reduction and an answer would be circulated to
members shortly.
iv. Work was on-going with the County Council to
mitigate the impact of additional buses required for the fringe developments.
The County Council’s transport strategy would pick this issue up and the City
Council would have an input into any decisions.
v. It was conceded that the carbon management
programme was based on questionable baseline data.
The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted)
Not applicable.