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for Decision:
The report reviewed
the profile of street based anti-social behaviour in Cambridge City; the
current approach to support and enforcement; and suggested areas where policy
and practice should be reviewed.
The Leader and
Executive Councillor for Housing were jointly asked to note of the review of
street-based anti-social behaviour, the services and enforcement measures in
place to address problematic behaviour, and to agree to hold three multi-agency
Decision of the Leader and the Executive Councillor for Housing:
Leader and the Executive Councillor for Housing jointly:
Noted the
review of street-based anti-social behaviour and the services and enforcement
measures in place to address problematic behaviour;
ii. Agreed to hold three multi-agency workshops,
open to all Cambridge City Councillors, on the topic areas proposed in section
5 of the officer’s report.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee received a report from the Director of
Customer and Community Services regarding the Review of Street-life Anti-social
Members questioned
why the overall numbers of rough sleepers remained consistent while the profile
had shifted towards higher numbers with a local connection. The Director
of Customer and Community Services stated the reasons behind this were complex
and would be further investigated.
Concerns were
raised over the safety of rough sleepers. Officers reported that violent
incidents were few and appeared to be opportunistic rather that targeted. The
Police were praised for the way they handled such incidents.
Daytime indoor
provision and wet centres were discussed. Concerns were raised about what such
provision would achieve and members were not supportive of an approach that
would merely “tidy up” the streets. Members agreed that any solutions must be
outcome focused. Members requested comparative national data to be included in
future reports.
Improved use of
licensing powers was suggested as a way of resolving some of the problems
associated with street-life. Cumulative
Impact Zone powers had achieved some results. It was further suggested that
members of the public were not aware of the powers to request a review of a
premises license. Councillor Bick confirmed that the licensing dimension would
be covered in the workshops.
The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the
Both the Leader and Executive Councillor Housing approved
the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted)
Not applicable.