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Matter for Decision: To consider the Key issues arising from the issues and options
consultation and timetable update.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change:
The Executive
Councillor resolved;
i. To
note the key issues arising from the consultation on the Issues and Options
ii. To
note the current timetable and ongoing approach to the duty to cooperate and
joint working (paragraphs 3.21 to 3.23 of the committee report); and
iii. To
endorse the approach to preparing the next stages of the Plan as set out in
paragraph 3.11 of the committee report.
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee received a report regarding the key issues
arising the Issues and Options Consultation and timetable update.
The committee congratulated officers for collating the
11,000 comments from 850 different people/organisations.
Members sought clarification on whether the process as
outlined was expected to comply with the duty to co-operate test. The Head of
Planning Services explained that the proposed process was based on best
practice and was expected to meet the tests in the legislation. The committee
were advised that officers were monitoring the issues arising from the earlier
adopters and making amendments accordingly. The Planning Policy Manager
explained that the City Council was jointly engaging with the Planning
Inspectorate with South Cambridgeshire.
In response to questions from members the Planning Policy
Manager explained that detailed responses to issues raised would be presented
to the committee between November and January.
Councillor Hipkin addressed the committee with the
permission of the Chair and made the following comments
i. Congratulated
the officers on the work to date
ii. Stressed
the importance of the process
iii. Some of the responses had been
prepared on behalf of residents associations and membership groups with many
hundreds of members and this should be acknowledged.
iv. The importance of preserving the green
belt between Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire was stressed.
Clarification was requested on the criteria for assessing
sites and ensuring that it was not simply a popularity contest. The Planning
Policy Manager re-assured members that a balanced process was in place to appropriately
assess sites.
Clarification was requested whether the duty to co-operate
extended to the County Council. The Planning Policy Manager assured the
committee that officers were working closely with the County Council and South
Cambridgeshire to assure that the transport strategy and local plan processes
were aligned.
The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered the recommendations
and endorsed them by 5 votes to 0.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)