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Matter for Decision: To consider the Cambridge and South
Cambridgeshire Employment Land Review: Update 2012.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change:
The Executive
Councillor resolved;
a) To consider the findings
of the Employment Land Review 2012;
b) To endorse the Employment Land Review for use as an
evidence base for the review of the Local Plan and as a material consideration
in planning decisions (Appendix A of the committee report).
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee received a report from the Planning Policy and
Economic Development Officer, which provided an update on the Cambridge and
South Cambridgeshire Employment Land Review: Update 2012.
i. Clarification was requested on the
nature of the proposals for Alconbury, and whether this would result in a
transfer of businesses from Cambridge. The enterprise zone has been set up to
avoid displacement. Businesses can only locate to the enterprise zone from
within the local area if it is doing this in order to achieve growth. The
Employment Land Review Update 2012 notes that for businesses in Cambridge the
market view is such that firms will be reluctant to relocate there because it
is isolated. It is hoped that the enterprise zone will complement the Cambridge
Cluster by providing employment land that will be used for manufacturing the
"ideas" from the Cluster. Officers provided further examples on potential
circumstances in which business may be permitted to re-locate from Cambridge to
ii. Further information was requested on
the current thinking in relation to the provision of strategic employment land.
Officers explained that the process was ongoing and that a number of options
were being considered, but the committee were assured that the city was being
considered as a whole.
In response to a question, the Planning Policy Manager confirmed
that no sites had been identified at this stage for start up companies and
social enterprise.
Members suggested it would be useful to highlight
existing land commitments in the report. An update was requested on the
provision of employment sites. Officers advised that the existing commitments
principally those located in Cambourne and Landbeach, had experienced low
levels of demand.
Officers were asked if there was anything that could be
done to expedite the provision of the existing commitments. The committee was
advised that officers were in regular discussion with the key stakeholders to
bring forward developments. Officers also provided clarification on the limits
proposed types of industry.
The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered and endorsed the
recommendations by 5 votes to 0.
The Executive Councillor agreed the recommendation.
Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)