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Corn Exchange PA System

12/12/2012 - Corn Exchange PA System

Matter for Decision: To consider a project appraisal regarding the Corn Exchange PA system.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places


The Executive Councillor resolved to;


Financial recommendations


i.          Approve the commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital & Revenue Project Plan (SC522).


ii.       Note that the total cost of the project is £160,000 funded from Corn Exchange Equipment R&R budget and Capital Reserves.


iii.      Note that there are no ongoing revenue implications arising from the project.


Procurement recommendations


iv.          Approve the carrying out and completion of the procurement of sound equipment to the value of £160,000.


Reason for the Decision:


As per the officer report



Any alternative options considered and rejected:


Not Applicable


Scrutiny Considerations:


The committee received a report from the Head of Arts and Recreation regarding the PA system for the Corn Exchange. The decision had not been selected for pre-scrutiny, but the clarification was requested on the reason for the proposed decision. The Head of Arts and Recreation and the Director of Customer and Community Services outlined for the reasons for the proposed decision.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)