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The Committee received a report from the Head of
Transport and Infrastructure (Policy and Funding) (County) regarding the East and South Transport
Corridor Area Transport Plans.
The report outlined
S106 contributions for transport received from developers in Cambridge
City and South Cambridgeshire, are largely collected through the Corridor Area
Transport Plan (CATP) process.
The Officer’s report outlined progress of
existing schemes presented at the December 2011 Committee meeting. The
report also included an assessment of new suggested schemes for 2012 that had the potential to be supported by
Eastern Corridor Area Transport Plan (ECATP) funding, as well as SCATP funding
where the committee area extended into the Southern Corridor. The principal factor
being that schemes proposed fit with the CATP, relate to development and the
need to mitigate the effect of additional transport related movements from new
The views
expressed by East Area Committee Members on projects to take forward would be
included as key input into the decision by County Council Cabinet when asked to
approve the recommendations in a report expected in November 2012.
Existing Schemes: Progress
The Head of Transport
and Infrastructure referred to progress
on approved schemes as set out in the Officer’s report.
Schemes That Require Decisions
Members considered a number of 2012 schemes put forward for approval.
In response to Members’ questions the Head of Transport and Infrastructure and Senior Programme Manager (County) answered:
Approximately £600,000 of funding was
currently available to spend in the east area.
S106 funding could not be used to undertake
maintenance work, but some projects included some improvement work to aid
accessibility that s106 funding could be used for.
(2.2) Access link from the CB1 development to the
Leisure Park, so that both sites could access the Leisure Park multi storey car
park could be undertaken as a joint project with the South Area Committee. The
Leisure Park bridge had been proposed as a previous project, but did not go
ahead for various reasons given at the time. The project still had merit, so a
feasibility study could be undertaken to try and address feasibility of
delivery concerns.
(2.6) Tenison Road traffic calming scheme required
£500,000 to deliver the scheme, but would also receive an additional £250,000
from a separate funding scheme if the project was approved. Therefore £250,000
was required from EAC to support delivery of the scheme.
The County Council would
model pinch points on the infrastructure network in future to assess growth
needs as part of the Long Term Transport Strategy work
Members were invited to
propose suggestions for future projects to be funded.
Councillor Bourke requested the
Chisholm Trail be added to the list set out in section 2 of the Officer’s
EAC supported the
principle of undertaking joined up infrastructure projects with other Area
Committees as strategic projects would benefit the whole of Cambridge. EAC
would allocate s106 funding from their budget for joint projects on the
understanding that other Area Committees would do the same.
Action Point: Councilor
Bourke to circulate feasibility study information regarding Chisholm
Trail for bicycles.
Councillor Owers requested speed
warning lights in Coleridge Road be
added to the list of future projects seeking s106 funding.
Action Point: Head of Transport
and Infrastructure to advise Councillor Owers
if his proposed Transport Corridor Area Transport Plan
project for speed warning lights in Coleridge Road is eligible for s106
Councillor Owers requested merging
the following projects and removing maintenance actions that were not covered
by s106 criteria:
(2.1) Refreshing all cycle path and cycle lane markings, especially around the
Perne Road/Cherry Hinton Road roundabout.
(2.3) Perne
Road/Cherry Hinton Road roundabout improvements to address traffic flow and
safety issues.
Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously):
To recommend projects set out below for approval by County Council Cabinet:
A joint
project combining (2.1) Refreshing all cycle path and cycle lane
markings, especially around the Perne Road/Cherry Hinton Road roundabout with
(2.3) Perne Road/ Cherry Hinton Road roundabout improvements to address traffic
flow and safety issues.
(2.5) Contraflow Cycling Signage following audit to
identify need
(2.6) Tenison Road traffic calming scheme
To recommend the Chisholm Trail joint infrastructure project proposed by Councillor
Bourke for further investigation into its feasibility and estimated cost to be
shared with other Area Committees.
To approve
retaining the following projects as low priorities to be funded if any budget
remained after funding higher priority projects:
(2.7) Removal of unnecessary street signage.
(2.10) Citywide 20 mph/coherent speed limit (this
could be explored as part of wider strategy work).
To approve
undertaking a joint feasibility study with South Area Committee for (2.2)
Access link from the CB1 development to the Leisure Park, so that both sites
could access the Leisure Park multi storey car park.
To defer
consideration of s106 fund allocation for (2.9) Improve safety
at Stanley Road junction with Newmarket Road until environmental improvement
work and road marking changes had been implemented. This would enable Officers
to ascertain if s106 funding was still required, or if issues had been
To discount projects set out below:
(2.4) Madingley Road Cycleway Phase 2 as this should be
referred to the West Area Committee for approval, although a member of public
raised it at East Area Committee.
(2.8) Park and ride facility for Cherry Hinton as
feasibility and need would need to be considered as part of the long-term County
Transport Strategy.
EAC asked for a Transport Corridor Area Transport Plan
report six months from 6 September 2012 meeting.
Action Point: Head of Transport and
Infrastructure to bring back a report to
East Area Committee regarding East and South Transport Corridor Area Transport Plans in March/April