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Revision of Cambridge City Council's Statement of Licensing Policy

05/02/2013 - Outcome of review of Statement of Licensing Policy

The committee received a report from the Head of Refuse and Environment regarding the “Outcome of the review of the statement of licensing policy”.


The committee welcomed the report, but expressed frustration that greater use of the review powers hadn’t been made and suggestions were made to support the process.


Resolved (Unanimously) to


Recommend that Council approves the Statement of Licensing Policy as shown in Appendix B and recommend to Council that the policy is adopted from 25 October 2012.

07/12/2012 - Statement of Licensing Policy

Resolved (unanimously) to:


Approve the Statement of Licensing Policy as shown in Appendix B of the report to 8 October 2012 Licensing Committee and to adopt the policy from 25 October 2012.