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Representations to the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC)

18/12/2012 - Representations to the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC)

Matter for Decision:  

              i.      Cambridgeshire County Council is consulting on what a new Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC) should look like. This is the first step in the process and the document (Appendix B of the Officer’s report) highlighted some of the main issues and challenges for transport in the area, and asked what approach they should take in developing a new transport strategy to address these issues.

            ii.      The Executive Councillor is recommended to agree the City Council’s proposed representations to the County Council consultation on a Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, as set out in Appendix A.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Transport:

The Executive Councillor agreed the City Council’s proposed representations to the County Council consultation on a Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, as set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report and subject to the amendments discussed below.


Reason for the Decision:

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations:

The Committee received a report from the Planning Policy and Transport Officer regarding the representations relating to the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. The officer tabled an amendment sheet updated the report.


Members raised the following points:

                i.      The validity of the statistics for travel modes in other cities was questioned and members requested details on the source of the data.

              ii.      Members suggested that the strategy lacked reference to the City of Cambridge ambitions for reduced carbon emissions and suggested this be added to the representations.

            iii.      The strategy was thought to be unambitious, which might be acceptable for a holding document, but suggested that they would support a more challenging final document.

            iv.      A additional comment supporting additional Park and Ride sites, possible located further afield, and/or expansion of existing provision was suggested. However, this needed to me mindful of any impact on rural bus provision.

              v.      Members requested more clarity regarding Community Bus Subsidies and how this would work in an urban environment.

            vi.      A stronger introduction to the representations was requested to reflect the need for a detailed transport strategy sooner rather than later. This would also need to acknowledge infrastructure funding issues.


The Committee resolved to endorse the recommendations. The Chair and Spokes to agree the final draft to include the above suggestions.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)

Not applicable.