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Matter for Decision:
The new Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan replaces the
previous strategy which covered the period 2008-12, and would set the framework
for action by the Council to address climate change over the next five years.
The Carbon Management Plan forms part of the Strategy
and details how the Council would further reduce carbon emissions from its own
operations and estate over the five year life of the strategy.
The Climate Change Fund criteria needed to be revised
if the Fund is to support the projects that will deliver these reductions in
The Climate Change Fund Annual Status Report provides
financial details of the projects supported by the Fund to date.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change:
Approved the draft Climate Change Strategy (Appendix A of the
report) for public consultation from May to September.
Approved the draft Carbon Management Plan (Appendix B
of the report).
Approved the revised Operational Guidelines for the
Climate Change (Appendix C of the report).
Approved the Annual Climate Change Fund Status Report (Appendix
D of the report).
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee received a
report from the Head of Corporate Strategy regarding Cambridge City Council’s
Climate Strategy and Carbon Management Plan.
Members made the following
All committee
reports contain an Environmental Impact Assessment and members would like to
see officers using this to explain how any adverse environmental impacts of a
proposal or decision could be mitigated.
Concern was raised
that the tone of the report was self-congratulatory when the reality is that
little successes had been achieved on the council’s own emissions.
Concerns were raised
about the how robust the figures were.
The number of
positive press releases over the last year had put pressure on officers to
suggest they were achieving good results.
Members were
concerned that human error had resulted in two large omissions in the data and
that once those elements had been taken into account, the results were less
positive than initially thought.
Cambridge held a recent event looking at best practice in this area and members
expressed the opinion that officers should consult such groups.
The Head of Corporate
Strategy responded and expressed regret for the error. Members were assured
that the baseline figure was now as robust as it could be, bearing in mind that
some of the data for some sites was based on estimated bills. Officers had a
invested lot of time into checking the figures after the errors had come to
light. Considerable successes had been
achieved in certain areas such as planning policy and the council’s housing
stock; for example, achieving building Code Level 5 at the North West Cambridge
The committee resolved by 4 vote to 0 to
endorse the recommendations.
Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.