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Clay Farm Land Disposal Project - Delivery of Affordable Housing by the City Council

10/08/2012 - Clay Farm Land Disposal Project - Delivery of Affordable Housing by the City Council

 Matter for Decision: Under the new ‘self-financing’ regime, the City Council now has the opportunity to retain ownership and management of the Affordable Housing on its land at Clay Farm.


 Decision of the Executive Councillor:


 The Executive Councillor resolved to:


        i.            Approve, in principle, for the Council to own and manage up to 105 Affordable Housing dwellings on the Council’s land at Clay Farm.

      ii.            Delegate authority to the Director of Resources in liaison with the Director of Customer and Community Services and the Head of Legal Services to agree the transfer of land between the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account under appropriate terms and conditions.

    iii.            Note progress with the project to dispose of the Council’s land at Clay Farm.


 Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report


Any alternative options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report


Scrutiny Considerations


The committee received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing.  


The Scrutiny Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 7 votes to 0 (unanimous).


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.