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Matter for Decision:
September 2011 the University of Cambridge submitted outline planning
applications to Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils for a
mixed-use extension to the north-west of Cambridge. The waste management strategy
for this site proposes the use of underground banks for the collection of waste
and recycling from residential premises.
The scheme had been selected based on the
desire to minimise the visual impact of waste collection infrastructure on the
proposed development, and meets the requirements of the Area Action Plan to
incorporate innovative waste strategies.
It was anticipated that the scheme would
provide both South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council
with an innovative yet practical waste management solution maintaining the
potential for recycling and allowing scope for future change within the
restrictions of an underground scheme.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Environment
and Waste Services:
Agreed the
principle of the use of an underground banks collection system for the
Cambridge North West development for all residents across both South
Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City districts.
Agreed to
delegate authority to the Head of Refuse and Environment the development of an
Inter Authority Agreement between Cambridge City Council and South
Cambridgeshire District Council, that the City Council will undertake waste and
recycling collections across the entire Cambridge North West development
including those areas within the South Cambridgeshire District Council
administrative boundary for agreement by the
Executive Councillors of both districts.
Agreed to delegate
authority to the Head of Refuse
& Environment to comment upon the final waste strategy in conjunction with
South Cambridgeshire District Council and submit them to JDCC for
Agreed to
delegate authority to the Head of Refuse and Environment to finalise, in
conjunction with South Cambridgeshire District Council, the ‘above baseline’
costs of service delivery, which will be recovered from the developer through a
Section 106 agreement for agreement by the Executive Councillors of both
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee received a
report from the Waste Services Development Officer regarding the Waste Plans
for the North West University Site.
Members raised the following
Members were
concerned about the logistics of the new collection vehicle.
Members asked for
clarity on the economies that could be achieved by using a single waste
collection services for the cross boundary site.
The innovations
presented were welcomed.
The committee resolved unanimously to
endorse the recommendations.
Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared
by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Not applicable.