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for Decision: A project
team has been set up to undertake the work of re-tendering the ICT Facilities
Management Contract. The report sought approval to progress with the project,
to agree member input to the process and to obtain the appropriate authority to
award the contract.
Decision of the Executive Councillor:
The Executive
Councillor resolved to:
Authorise the
procurement of a new corporate ICT contract for a term of 5 years plus
Agree proposals
for member involvement with the Chair and Spokes of the Scrutiny Committee.
authority to the Director of Resources in consultation with the Executive
Councillor, Chair and Spokes of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
to identify relevant social value improvements for the service if the Public
Services (Social Value) Act 2012 is implemented before any public procurement
authority for the Director of Resources to authorise award of the contract, in
consultation with the Executive Councillor and the Head of Legal Services.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report.
Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report.
Scrutiny Considerations
The committee received a report from the Head of ICT.
The committee made the following comments on the report:
A 3 year contract would be too short and may limit the number of
suppliers willing to bid for the contract.
Whilst being commercially attractive for suppliers, a 10 year fixed term
contract would not be appropriate for the Council.
ICT was central to the work of the City Council.
Highlighted the need for an exchange of ideas, not just a briefing
session, between members and officers.
Questioned the need for a Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ). It was
felt that the procurement process would be ‘self-selecting’ in terms of those
bidding and those able to do undertake the work.
Suggested that proposals for member involvement be agreed by the
Executive Councillor in consultation with the Chair and Spokes.
In response to member’s questions the Head of ICT and the Strategic
Procurement Advisor confirmed the following:
Whilst a member of the Scrutiny Committee could in theory sit on the project
team, it could be a long procurement process and be a big time commitment.
The proposed term of the contract gave a balance between the value for
money gained by a longer contract, and the flexibility of not being tied in for
a term of 10 years.
The funding for the core project remained at £950,000, with the
additional £1m accounting for ongoing projects, licenses and consumables.
Interest was being shown in the contract from small local companies as
well as big national companies.
Councillor Herbert proposed the following amendment to
recommendation 1:
Delete all and replace with:
“The Executive Councillor resolved to
authorise the procurement of a new corporate ICT contract for a term of 5 years
plus extensions.”
The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the amended recommendation by 8 votes to 0
The Executive
Councillor approved the amended recommendations.