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for Decision: The report
reviewed progress made with area working during the year of the participation
pilot, and set out the next steps.
Decision of the Leader:
The Leader resolved
Endorse the
assessment of the North Area Committee participation pilot set out in Appendix
1 of the officer’s report.
Promote area
committee member and community engagement with devolved decision making
particularly in relation to the development of the Area Needs Assessment and
prioritisation of related local priority projects
Support the
proposed community engagement mapping exercise.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report
Scrutiny Considerations
The committee received a report from the Head of Corporate Strategy.
The committee made the following comments on the report:
Highlighted the importance of meeting management, agenda structure, venue
choice and effective facilitation skills with the proposed new ways of working.
Raised concern that briefings for the South Area Committee were not open
to opposition members.
Highlighted the need for increased publicity and promotion, and for the
‘Open forum’ section to be at the start of the meeting.
In response to member’s questions the Head of Corporate Strategy
confirmed the following:
The Members Working Group had decided that, as all four Area Committees
were very different, the report should not be too prescriptive. The goal was
greater engagement and it was up to each of the Area Committees to decide what
aspects of the pilot would work most successfully in their area.
Over 100 members of the public had attended meetings of the North Area
Committee in January and March.
In response to member’s questions the Leader confirmed the following:
The North Area Committee had been chosen for the pilot as, based on
social indicators, it had the most to gain from improved community development
and engagement.
It was difficult to compare each of the Area Committees, as
demographically they were very different.
The success of the pilot could only be judged by a comparison of the
North Area Committee pre-pilot.
The report simply gave an assessment of the pilot and it was now up to
individual Area Committees to take on board any good practice that could
benefit their areas.
A chairing skills session for Area Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, Spokes
and relevant officers would be organised in September.
The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 4 votes to 0.
The Leader approved
the recommendations.