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Matter for Decision:
A draft of the Community Safety Plan 2011-14 (updated for
2012) was presented to the January Community Services Scrutiny Committee for
comment. The Community Safety Partnership Board who are the owners of the plan
accepted the Committees suggestion and have incorporated them into the final
plan presented as Appendix A of the Offier’s report. The final plan is presented for endorsement by the Community
Services Scrutiny Committee and the Executive Councillor for Community
Decision of Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health
The Executive Councillor resolved to:
Endorse the
proposed priorities and amendments to the Community Safety Plan 2011-2014
(updated for 2012) agreed by the Community Safety Partnership and set out in
section 3.2 of the Officer’s report.
Reason for the Decision:
Cambridge Community Safety Partnership developed
a new Plan in April 2011. That plan has
been updated for 2012/13 following a Strategic Assessment by the County Research
Team. The recommendations in the Strategic Assessment are that the priorities
of the Community Safety Plan 2012/13 should remain similar to those in the
current plan, that is, reducing:
Alcohol related
violent crime
Anti-social behaviour
III. Repeat
victims of domestic violence
IV. Re-offending
The amendments to
the current priorities were discussed at the January Scrutiny Committee.
Any alternative options considered and
Not applicable
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee
received a report from the Safer Communities Manager regarding the Cambridge
Community Safety Partnership Plan.
The committee
expressed support for the priorities.
The Scrutiny Committee considered and
endorsed the recommendations in the report by 9
votes to 0 (unanimously).
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health approved the
Conflicts of interest declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)