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Installation of solar thermal technology on City Council properties

05/04/2012 - Installation of solar thermal technology on City Council properties

Matter for Decision: The supply and installation of solar thermal panels on selected Council properties to secure a guaranteed income through energy bill savings and heat tariff as part of the Government’s national Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).


Decision of the Executive Councillor:


The Deputy Leader resolved to:


Financial recommendations:


        i.            Approve commencement of the Solar Thermal Project, included in the Council’s Capital Plan - C2966, Installation of solar thermal panels and/or energy efficiency measures on non-housing Council properties (General Fund).


The total capital cost of the project is £140,000. The revenue savings from the project are estimated at £15,000 per annum (savings proposal S2967) and these have been included in the revenue budget from 2013/14 onwards.


Procurement recommendations:


      ii.            Approve the procurement and installation of solar thermal panels and other necessary equipment under the Planned Maintenance Framework.


Subject to:


The permission of the Executive Councillor and Director of Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract value by more than 15%.


Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report


Any alternative options considered and rejected: N/A


Scrutiny Considerations