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Matter for Decision:
The council established 3 Neighbourhood Community Planning
(NCP) projects in Abbey, Arbury and Kings Hedges in the late 1990s. The idea
behind this approach was to try and address the lack of opportunity for
residents in wards with lower levels of income and higher levels of
deprivation, to improve communication, consultation and participation and build
a stronger sense of local ownership within these wards.
The report made recommendations about the future funding of the
three NCPs for consideration.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health
The Executive Councillor resolved to:
I. To acknowledge the
achievements of the 3 NCP projects;
II. To note and
support the progress and direction for the projects described in paras 5.1 to
5.5 of the Officer’s report.
III. To request
officers to consult on and agree with each project a practical development plan
which respects the differential positions from which each starts, and
safeguards - and if possible expands – their capacity to deliver.
IV. To report back to
the scrutiny committee in the October cycle.
Reason for the Decision:
project as an entity has not been formally reviewed since its inception. This
report summarised the work of each NCP project since it began, highlighting
their considerable success, key achievements and identifying how each NCP aims
to continue delivering work in the future.
Any alternative options considered and
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee
received a report from the Head of Community Development regarding the review
of Neighbourhood Community Planning Project in Arbury, Abbey and Kings Hedges.
In response to the
report the committee made the following comments.
The good work achieved to-date was recognised.
The review was not intended to save money.
III. The three groups
would be encouraged to seek independent funding in the future but it was
recognised that this might be a long-term aspiration.
IV. It was recognised
and applauded, that the Kings Hedges group had made progress towards
In view of
on-going discussions, Councillor Kightley proposed the following amended
To acknowledge the achievements of the 3 NCP projects
To note and support the progress and direction for the projects
described in paras 5.1 to 5.5 of the Officer’s report.
To request officers to consult on and agree with each project a
practical development plan which respects the differential positions from which
each starts, and safeguards - and if possible expands – their capacity to
deliver; to report back to the scrutiny committee in the October cycle.
Members expressed
support for the amended recommendations.
The Scrutiny Committee considered and
endorsed the amended recommendation by 9 votes to 0 (unanimously).
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health approved the
Conflicts of interest declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)