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Compensation for Home Loss

16/11/2011 - Compensation for Home Loss

Matter for Decision:

The report consolidated current practice in compensating and supporting tenants who are required to move from their home into a policy statement. The policy statement includes how compensation and support for leaseholders will be addressed


Decision of Exec Cllr for Housing:

Approved the Home Loss Policy set out as Appendix 1 of the report.


Reason for the Decision:

The Council has undertaken a number of refurbishment schemes in the past that has required tenants to move out of their homes to enable the works to be carried. For example, recently a significant amount of movement has been required as part of the Sheltered Housing Modernisation Programme.


Officers have developed ways of working to support tenants who have been required to move and compensation payments have been made in line with legislation and best practice.


Any alternative options considered and rejected:



Scrutiny Considerations:

The committee received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing regarding the Compensation for Home Loss policy.

The committee welcomed the report and clarity with which it was written. However, a small gap in the policy would need to be addressed regarding non-resident leaseholders and their sub leasees. The legislations state that non-resident leaseholders are not entitled to home loss compensation and their tenants also fail to qualify. The Council would however offer assistance to sub-leasees who lost their homes in this way to find alternative accommodation. The policy would be amended to clarify these points. A small error in the numbering would also be amended. 


The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 6 votes to 0.


The Executive Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)