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Honorary Freedom of the City

19/06/2024 - Honorary Freedom of the City

The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report and explained that the recommendation to grant the Honorary Freedom of the City was reserved for the extraordinary Annual Council Meeting.


Members welcomed the recommendation and asked that strong communications were put out explaining the close links HMS Protector has with Cambridge.


HMS Protector carried out a lot of work for the British Antartic Survey (BAS), which was based in Cambridge as well as working closely with the Scott Polar Institute. This was also the only ice breaker the British Navy had. In addition, this recommendation also addressed the serious nature that the City takes towards climate change.


It was also noted that the previous captain was the first female appointed to captain a vessel of this sort in history.


Resolved (Unanimous) to recommend to Council:


a.    To confer the Honorary Freedom of the City of Cambridge upon HMS Protector. (Nb. Granting the Freedom of the City will require at least two thirds of the Councillors present to agree to the recommendation).