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2023-24 General Fund Provisional Revenue Carry Forwards

26/06/2024 - 2023-24 General Fund Provisional Revenue Carry Forwards

Matter for Decision

This report presents details of any anticipated variances from budgets, where resources are requested to be carried forward into the 2024/25 financial year in order to undertake or complete activities which were originally intended to take place in 2023/24.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

The Executive Councillor, is recommended, following scrutiny and debate at Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee:

a) To agree the provisional carry forward requests, totalling £220,700 as detailed in Appendix A, subject to the final outturn position.

b) To agree the principle of the learning and development proposal including the creation of a permanent post as detailed in paragraph 3.4, and delegate the detailed budget adjustments to vire up to £100k of budget from services to the training and development budget to the Chief Finance Officer or Acting Chief Finance Officer in the 2024/5 financial year.

c) To agree the virement of £60,000 across portfolios for the creation of the one-year fixed term post within Procurement outlined in paragraph 3.5 and delegate the detailed budget adjustments to the Chief Finance Officer or Acting Chief Finance Officer in the 2024/5 financial year.

d) To agree to use the budget headroom resulting from the review of cost apportionment of the shared 3CICT service for the establishment of the permanent post of Strategic Digital Lead as outlined in paragraph 3.6.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

Head of Finance said the following in response to Members questions:

i.                Regarding empty property, and how long it had been vacant, and if realistic prospect to be be re-let, stated did not have information at hand. Would investigate and report back to Committee.

The Committee unanimously endorsed the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.