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Update on the Four Day Week Trial Being Carried out by South Cambridgeshire District Council

26/06/2024 - Update on the Four Day Week Trial Being Carried out by South Cambridgeshire District Council

Matter for Decision

This is a short paper setting out next steps and recommendations in relation to the four-day working week trial at South Cambridgeshire District Council. It is presented at this scrutiny committee because SCDC operate two shared services on behalf of Cambridge City Council, the Shared Waste Service and the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service.


Decision of the Leader of the Council and Executive Councillor for Transformation


      i.          Approve the request of South Cambridgeshire District Council to continue the working arrangements for SCDC staff delivering shared services with Cambridge City Council (shared waste and Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, in line with the decision taken by SCDC Cabinet, as follows: a. To continue the four day week working arrangement for both desk based and waste service operational SCDC colleagues until:

1)             information is provided by the Government regarding potential future financial levers they might impose on Councils using this working practice, as announced in their Local Government Financial Settlement consultation in December 2023, and

2)             a subsequent consultation is carried out by the Council, analysed, and all trial data is presented to SCDC Full Council for a final decision. b. for all SCDC colleagues working a four-day week (desk-based and waste operations), the hours are harmonised at 32 hours per week (pro rata for part time colleagues) at 86.5% of contracted hours from 1 April 2024.

     ii.          To note the decision taken by SCDC to present an update report to this scrutiny committee, no later than the end of July 2024, providing data on the trial periods (desk-based and waste), up to the end of March 2024, including information about the ongoing effectiveness, including recruitment and retention, costs and savings of a four-day week working model

Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Chief Operating Officer (Cambridge City Council), Chief Executive of South Cambridgeshire County Council, Head of Climate, Environment and Waste, Head of Transformation, HR and Corporate Services (South Cambridgeshire) and Chief Operating Officer (South Cambridgeshire) said the following in response to Members questions:

i.                Agency savings had been significant, There were several posts that previously could not be filled. The majority of savings from Planning Services.

ii.               Were seeing better staff retention. Less vacancies for posts. Less recruitment costs.

iii.             Had seen a reduction in sickness, however still need to analyse data regarding that.

iv.             Recruitment had been more successful.

v.              Have data regarding the trial, would not analyse from May-July.

vi.             If other Councils started apapting a 4 Day Week (4DW), that could cause a challenge regarding recruitment.

vii.           The year long trial allowed for the newness to wear off and for work to normalise and stabilise.

viii.         If the 4DW was stopped now, there would be morale issues.

ix.             Currently there were less meetings taking place on Monday’s and Friday’s.

x.              Staff have the ability to drop out of the trial if they so wished.

xi.             SCDC had staff drop in sessions with HR.

xii.           Had regular meetings with unions.

xiii.         Issues included study time for apprentices.

xiv.         The review of waste services was for growth and the 4DW. The growth review had already taken place.

xv.          The new refuse collection rounds that had been put in place will be in place for at least 3 years, unless there was further growth.

xvi.         SCDC would be doing a residents survey and a consultation.

xvii.       Would provide update at a future meeting of this Committee.

The Committee unanimously endorsed the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.