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This item was chaired by Diana Minns (Vice-Chair Tenant Representative).
Matter for Decision
The report provided an update on the compliance related
activities delivered within the Estates & Facilities Team, including a
summary on gas servicing, electrical testing, and fire safety work.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing and
Noted the progress of the compliance related
work detailed in the Officer’s report.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee received a report from the Property Compliance
and Risk Manager.
The Property Compliance and Risk Manager and Housing
Maintenance Improvement Manager said the following in response to questions:
Noted concerns regarding reinforced autoclaved
aerated concrete (RAAC) which was topical in the news at the moment. A desktop
review of the council’s assets had been undertaken and was not aware that any
of the council’s properties had been constructed out of this concrete, but
further enquiries were being made.
ii. There
were approximately 5000 asbestos surveys on record, removal would take place if
the scope of any work being undertaken required it.
iii. The
Council had only started collecting data on damp condensation and mould (DCM)
over the last year. Most reports of DCM tended to arise due to ventilation /
overcrowding issues. A working group had been set up with the Environmental
Health Team and other professionals who would go into properties to share /
report any concerns regarding DCM to the DCM Team to investigate.
iv.Leaseholders had contacted
the council regarding DCM and the same information would be provided to them,
which was provided to tenants. A survey of the building would be undertaken by
the council, but remedial works would be the responsibility of the leaseholder.
Noted this was an area where engagement with leaseholders could be improved.
Planned to provide more information for example how to undertake a mould wash
on the council’s website.
v. The
Council has produced a leaflet to assist residents with measures to reduce DCM
- Reduce
condensation and prevent mould in your home - Cambridge City Council.
vi.Once remedial works had been
undertaken by the Council for DCM, a follow up process had been added to check
with the tenants if their issue had been sorted out and if not
further works would be undertaken. Social media channels and a leaflet drop was
planned to provide information to residents.
vii. Planned
to continue the current DCM programme into the winter months.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendation.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive