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Review of the Asset Management Plan

10/07/2023 - Review of the Asset Management Plan

Matter for Decision


The Council has an existing General Fund Asset Management Plan approved in 2019. It was good practice to review such Plans every 5 years or so to reflect changes that have occurred since. There have been changes to property owned, how assets would be utilised post Covid and how they will be used in future as part of the Council’s wider ‘Our Cambridge’ business transformation programme so a review is timely. The Council’s Climate Change Strategy 2021-26 had set a net zero carbon target for its buildings included in its Greenhouse Gas report. The government’s Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards also requires that leased out/commercial property achieve an Energy Performance Certificate of at least ‘B’ by 2030. The Asset Management Plan sets out how the Council will manage its General Fund assets, is updated to reflect the current environmental performance of properties and how this will be improved to meet the targets as set out above.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Finance, Resources, Transformation and Non-Statutory Deputy Leader:


·       Approve the Asset Management Plan as attached at Appendix A; and

·       Agree the proposed approach to identifying works, seeking funding and delivery to meet environmental targets by 2030 as set out in the Asset Management Plan and this report.


Reason for the Decision


As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


The Head of Property Services introduced the report.


Head of Property Services, Assistant Chief Executive and Strategic Director said the following in response to Members’ questions:


      i.          Some of the data in the report was historic data, advised that Assistant Chief Executive could provide updated data.

     ii.          The Assistant Chief Executive stated Parkside Pool had historically been the biggest emitter of carbon. Officers successfully applied to the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund a couple of years ago and that work was completed last summer. Therefore, the data on emissions from Parkside Pool does not reflect these completed works. Members should expect to see a significant reduction is emissions from Parkside Pools when years data is published. This should be available at the October 2023 Environment and Communities Scrutiny Meeting. 

   iii.          Regarding office accommodations, officers brought a report to S&R Committee in October 2022 outlining the council’s approach. There was still demand in Cambridge for office space. Recognised there was a surplus of office accommodation at the Council. Currently most staff were based at Mandela House since COVID 19, but it was still not being fully utilised. Refurbishment to the Guildhall will take time. The council had let the ground floor to Allia who were now using and managing that space. This was helping with overhead costs in respect to the building. Going forward the council would need approximately 40% of the space that it had used historically. The Guildhall would need to be refurbished and fit for purpose when staff moved back. A project team would be working on how this could be accomplished.

   iv.          Environmental improvements would need to be undertaken with the refurbishment of the Guildhall. The district heat network would be important to this process. It was difficult to improve the performance of the Guildhall building. It was difficult to install ground source heat pumps due to its location. There were solar panels on the roof of the Guildhall but probably not enough room to install air source heat pumps. Part of the process would be how to make improvement to a listed building such as the Guildhall, to produce environmental savings and also generate income from spaces that the council did not utilise.

    v.          When reviews were done regarding Ditton Lane shops, officers would take into consideration access and crime prevention if refurbishment was considered.


The Scrutiny Committee unanimously approved the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor for Finance, Resources and Transformation and Non-Statutory Deputy Leader approved the recommendations.



Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.