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Matter for Decision
The report referred to the introduction of the requirement
for 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) above baseline conditions for all
developments in England from November 2023 as outlined in the Environment Act.
The Executive Councillor was asked to approve an interim
approach for Greater Cambridge to proposed offsite BNG to ensure that
applicants and decision makers are clear on what is expected by the Council
when considering offsite BNG proposals, prior to November 2023. This includes a
sequential approach starting with BNG provision on site wherever possible,
before considering offsite strategic habitat banks and then more local
solutions to fulfil this need encompassing the principles already set out in
the Environment Act around BNG, and emerging best practice.
Decision of the Executive Councillor for Planning and
Endorsed the interim approach to siting
biodiversity net gain for developments across Cambridge, and
noted and welcomed the emerging habitat banks in Greater Cambridge, with
delegated powers given to the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development
to make minor changes to the technical note at Appendix A of the Officer’s
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable
Scrutiny Considerations
The Natural Environment Team Leader introduced the report.
In response to comments made by the Committee, the Natural
Environment Team Leader and Built and Natural Environment Manager said the
Further regulations / are awaited from DEFRA;
officers did not have a complete set of guidance yet but are taking soundings
and advice from peers in Natural England, the Planning Advisory Service, and
other Local Authorities.
Nature reserve sites in private ownership that were
in poor condition which may be suitable for BNG contributions for enhancement,
but equally could be eligible for other revenue streams. Officers would look
carefully at any proposals for these sites.
The achievement of BNG was a component of
sustainable development as confirmed by central government through the National
Planning Policy Framework. Therefore, members of the planning committee could
consider the delivery of the objectives of the interim approach. However, 10 %
or the aspiration for 20% BNG was not yet part of the emerging Local Plan
policy framework and Committees could not at this point insist upon these
figures in making planning decisions.
It was the intention to encourage on-site BNG as
a priority. Training and briefings would be provided to officers and planning
committee members to outline the aim and intended outcome of this interim
It would be made clear to developers the
Council’s commitment to BNG within the planning application process and what
could and should be achieved.
When the Environment Act obligations became
mandatory this would give weight to planning applications being approved or
refused on the basis that 10% BNG would or would not be delivered amongst other
material planning considerations.
The current legislation states BNG has to be
delivered but there is no actual figure; in simple terms developers have to put
back more than they take out.
The changes to the Environment Act introduced
the requirement for 10% BNG above baseline conditions for all developments in
England from November 2023 which would be a considerable increase.
All developments in Greater Cambridge should aim
to deliver high quality green infrastructure as best practice.
The expectation was that after thirty years of
good management of BNG on sites, the site should be in such good condition they
would be seen as valued biodiversity locations and would not be appropriate for
any kind of built development.
Larger strategic habitat banks delivered greater
benefit to BNG securing significant improvements at a landscape scale. In
addition, these sites could be managed more effectively for BNG and could be
monitored by the local authority over a 30-year period more easily than a vast
number of smaller sites.
The emerging local plan identified large sites
in Greater Cambridge for habitat and landscape enhancement.
Carbon sequestration was an important part of
vegetative growth but was not the primary benefit of BNG, that was
BNG would be fully funded by the developers.
Community led solutions to BNG provide smaller
opportunities due to the size of land available in the city compared to the
land available owned by various parishes in Greater Cambridge.
There are several ways officers could verify BNG
being delivered during the local authority’s management such as aerial
photography and Google maps. There would be standard approach nationally to
measure the uplift, using the Defra metrics.
The Executive Councillor for Planning and Infrastructure
referenced six council houses that had been built on Wadloes
Road. This had produced BNG of 35% overall through an offsite community project
and onsite biodiversity. Small projects could be beneficial to biodiversity and
The Committee
Unanimously endorsed the recommendations as set out
in the Officer’s report.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive
The Executive Councillor for Planning and Infrastructure
approved the recommendations and thanked the officers for all their hard work
on this matter which would benefit the city of Cambridge and Greater
Cambridgeshire significantly.