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Matter for
The report provided an update on the compliance
related activities delivered within the Estates & Facilities Team,
including a summary on gas servicing, electrical testing
and fire safety work.
of Executive Councillor for Housing
Noted current position of the Council regarding Compliance,
and the progress of ongoing associated works.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Any Alternative
Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee
received a report from the Interim Risk and
Compliance Manager.
The Interim Risk and Compliance Manager and Director of Neighbourhoods
and Communities said the following in response to Members’ questions:
The asbestos register included garages as it
covered solid structures.
Would follow up whether the emergency lighting had
been fixed.
Had requested the Internal Audit Team considered
potential for learning in relation to the gas safety issues, with a report
coming back to this committee when that work is completed.
Future reports would include an update on Hanover
and Princess Courts and Kingsway until works had been completed.
Nobody would be left without heating for their
home. If tenants had gas central heating, the proposal was to change them to
electric central heating. 19 homes to date had been capped off.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendation.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest
Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.