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ROD: Changes to the Current Planning System Consultation Response

09/10/2020 - ROD: Changes to the Current Planning System Consultation Response



Matter for Decision:

This decision relates to specific delegations to the Executive Member for Planning Policy & Open Spaces endorsed by Planning & Transport Scrutiny Committee on 29 September 2020. 


The recommendations were as follows:


a) To note the initial response to the Government’s White Paper (Planning for the future) consultation as set out in appendix 1.

b) To note the initial response to the Government’s Changes to the Current Planning System consultation as set out in appendix 2.

c) Agree, for each consultation the wording of a final joint response and/or any individual response through an out of cycle decision, in consultation with Chair and Spokes


The purpose of this decision is to approve the final response to the Government’s Changes to the Current Planning System consultation.


A copy of the report considered by the Planning and Transport Committee on 29 September and all associated documents can be viewed at the link below:




Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

The consultation raises important issues that the council wishes to respond to. The decision seeks to formalize the response, following debate at the Planning & Transport Scrutiny committee.

The Executive Councillor’s decision(s):

To approve the proposed response the Changes to the Current Planning System consultation, as set out in the documents appended to this decision which can be viewed at the following link:

(Insert link)

Reasons for the decision:

Outlined in why the decision had been to made.

Scrutiny consideration:

The Chair and Spokesperson of Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee were consulted prior to the action being authorised on 1 October 2020.


A copy of the report considered by the Planning and Transport Committee on 29 September and all associated documents can be viewed at the link below:



Conflicts of interest:

None known.


No adverse comments were made.