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** RoD Grant to Support Visit Cambridge and Beyond Whilst it Develops a Business Plan

22/04/2020 - ** RoD Grant to Support Visit Cambridge and Beyond Whilst it Develops a Business Plan

Decision(s) taken:

To offer immediate financial support to Visit Cambridge and Beyond, comprising a three-month rental holiday worth £9,000, plus an initial sum of £43,000 to provide urgent support to VCB to enable payment of creditors and running costs. This is in order to avoid insolvency whilst a business plan can be developed.


This sum provides for 50% of VCB’s costs from April to the end of June 2020.  Other VCB members have been contacted to request payment of the remaining 50% (£52,000), but the Council has budgetary provision to meet this if required. 


The first payment is to be made as a grant, on condition that the VCB Board and Managing Director work with partners to develop a medium-term plan for consideration by the end of May 2020. This will allow for consultation of staff if necessary and implementation in July 2020, if appropriate.


Decision of:

Strategic Director 2

Date of decision:       

13 April 2020



Matter for Decision:

To consider the request of the VCB Board for urgent support to prevent insolvency.

To determine the appropriate level of support to be offered, and the terms on which support if offered.



Any alternative options considered and rejected:

Other options rejected are included in the briefing paper.

The decision allows for additional payments by other stakeholders to be agreed.

Reason(s) for the decision including any background papers considered:

An urgent decision under paragraph 2 of section 9, Council Procedure Rules was necessary as there are no meetings of the Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee or Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee within a reasonable timeframe and taking into account the current national situation it is unclear when this could be possible.  It was imperative to respond to the VCB request to prevent immediate insolvency and allow time to develop options.


Conflicts of interest and dispensations granted by the Chief Executive:


Other Comments:

The Chief Executive and Leader of the Council were consulted prior to the decisions taken. In addition, the Executive Councillor for Environment and City Centre was consulted. The spokes for Environment and was advised.


The budgetary implication of this decision falls within the current budgetary framework of resources allocated to Tourism in 2019/20 (carried fwd) and 2020/21. There may be future implications as VCB develop their business plan: when officers are in a position to report further on these, they will be reported to city councillors for decision at the earliest opportunity.




Contact for further information:

Suzanne Hemingway, Strategic Director suzanne.hemingway@cambridge.gov.uk