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Matter for Decision
This report presents the capital strategy of the council
together with a summary capital programme for the General Fund (GF) and Housing
Revenue Account (HRA). The previous capital strategy was approved by the
council on 25 February 2020. The strategy is focused on providing a framework
for delivery of capital expenditure plans over a 10-30 year period.
Decision of the Executive Councillor for Finance and
recommend Council approved the Capital Strategy as set out in the officer
the summary capital programme
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee received a report from the Head of Finance.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the
Noted the report proposed the end of revenue
funding of capital programme, which was a substantial change. Questioned the
financial impact of borrowing over time and if there would be a burden on the
revenue budget.
Noted commitment to building 1000 new council
homes to Passivhaus standards but only where this was feasible.
Referred to ‘Doughnut economics’ which looked at
what helped address economic issues and what was sustainable.
iv. Referred
to the Asset Management Plan and noted that maintenance did not appear to be
done on a regular basis and commented this could lead to increased costs and
carbon foot print by the time the works were completed.
The New Homes Bonus used to be seen as funding
for capital development but not anymore.
vi. Thanked
the Finance Team as they had maintained the Council in a good financial
position so felt a new approach could be tried.
vii.Asked what could be done to
encourage development of officers especially Planning Officers.
In response the Head of Finance said the following:
Agreed that there was a fundamental change to
the way the council would fund its capital programme however it created a
revenue saving to the council, £2.3 million would be returned to the revenue
budget for service delivery. There would be a number of capital receipts
totalling £25 million in the next 5 - 10 years. Work had been undertaken with
services to identify capital works although this would need to be revisited and
extended. Where borrowing would increase the revenue pressure, this would be
reviewed at the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.
Could not say how many councils used revenue
resources to fund their capital programmes but considering the number of
councils who borrow, and that borrowing can only be used to fund capital expenditure,
there could not be many councils who had the capacity to do so.
Now was a good time to make changes to the way
in which the capital programme was funded as there were significant challenges
ahead. This linked to the transformation
programme and was an opportunity to consider whether the council needed all the
assets it had.
In response the Executive Councillor for Finance and
Resources said the following:
Their ambition was to build the new council homes
to Passivhaus standards however this was where possible. Hoped would be
operating on zero carbon as soon as possible but this had to be balanced
against being able to build 1000 new council homes.
The Council were investigating the costs to
retrofit council housing stock so that they were carbon neutral.
The recruitment and retention of staff was
vital. The Planning Department was currently fully staffed. There had been some
work carried out regarding ‘golden hellos’.
The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.