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Matter for
The Executive Councillor
approved a proposal to delegate authority to the Strategic Director (in
consultation with the Executive Councillor) following
the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee in March 2018 to finalise negotiations on a commercial deal for redevelopment
of Park Street Car Park, in line with an approved strategic brief.
of Executive Councillor for Strategy and External
Noted the progress made in relation to the project and
confirmed delegated authority to the Strategic Director to finalise the due
diligence and lease documents/conditional contracts required to ensure delivery
of the project within the agreed parameters and timescales.
Noted that the legal documents would be conditional upon a
successful planning application
Reason for the Decision
set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative
Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee
received a report from the Strategic Director.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Welcomed the redevelopment of Park Street Car Park
but would have preferred housing to have been included on the site. Also
welcomed the network infrastructure for electric vehicle charging points.
Pleased to see electric vehicle charging points.
Questioned if the Committee would be assisting in
the selection of the architects for the project.
Asked if there would be toilets in the hotel
element of the project that members of the public could use and whether the
tenants of the building would pay their workers the living wage.
The Strategic Director said the following in response to Members’
The Head of Environmental Services was in the
process of undertaking a review into the toilets at Quayside, but the proposal
to ensure sufficient provision replacing the current Park Street provision
forms part of that review.
The architects for the project have won awards for
hotels and have been involved in the project for all the preliminary work. The
Developer has confirmed that they will continue to use them.
It would be a matter for the hotel operator to
determine what facilities (if any) would be made available to members of the
public. The Council would work with the developer to encourage the tenant of
the sublease to sign up to the living wage.
The Chief Executive confirmed that the concerns expressed regarding the
loss of toilet facilities at Park Street and the quality of facilities at
Quayside would be fed into the toilet facilities review.
The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest
Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.