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Matter for
The purpose of S106
developer contributions is to help mitigate the impact of development. The
report set out the next steps to identify future S106-funded projects for
improving community facilities, outdoor sports and indoor sports in Cambridge.
S106 funding is limited and
unevenly spread across the city. Not only have official regulations restricted
the amount of new, specific S106 contributions coming in since 2015, but the
availability of remaining generic S106 contributions has been running down as
it has been allocated and spent through funding rounds in recent years.
Generic S106 funding rounds would only consider applications for
community facility improvements in those wards where there is £10,000 or more
of Executive Councillor for Communities
The process for annual, generic
S106 funding rounds for community facilities, for as long as there is generic
S106 funding available (see paragraphs 4.6 - 4.8 of the Officer’s report);
That, where there is less than
£10,000 of generic community facilities S106 funding available in a ward, this
could be used to supplement spend on appropriate local projects identified for
specific S106 contributions (see paragraph 4.4 of the Officer’s report);
To note that proposals for the use
of generic, outdoor and indoor sports S106 funding will come forward to this Committee
as and when they are ready, in line with strategic priorities (see paragraphs
5.1 – 5.2 of the Officer’s report);
To allocate generic outdoor sports
S106 funding to the following grant-based projects, subject to planning
permission, business case approval and community use agreements (paragraph 5.3
and Appendix E of the Officer’s report)
a. up
to £65,000 outdoor sports contributions towards the improvement and upgrade of
outdoor sports courts and the artificial pitch at Chesterton Community College
b. up
to £45,000 of outdoor sports contributions for floodlighting improvements and
training pitch provision at Cambridge Rugby Club;
To add the following community
facilities to the ‘target list’ to be used as a starting point for identifying possible
specific contributions: Clay Farm Centre, Storey’s Field Centre, Nightingale
Avenue Pavilion, and new community facilities at the Cromwell Road development
and at the former Mill Road Depot site (see paragraphs 6.5 – 6.6 of the
Officer’s report);
To agree the updated approach for
identifying specific S106 contributions for community facilities in those parts
of the city where there are not Council-owned or managed community facilities
nearby (see paragraph 6.7 and Appendix F of the Officer’s report); and
To instruct officers to make all
city councillors aware of the evidence-based target lists for play areas and
open spaces that are used as a starting point for negotiating specific S106
contributions (see paragraph 6.12 of the Officer’s report).
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager.
The Community Funding and Development Manager
updated the committee on the East Barnwell Centre project. A grant was
allocated in 2013, the project scope then changed, but
was now being firmed up. The Community Funding
and Development Manager was willing to update ward
councillors on progress if requested to.
The Urban Growth Project Manager had reviewed
historic collections of s106 contributions to ensure monies used appropriately
and in a timely manner.
The Sport & Recreation Manager said a report would be brought back
to committee in future regarding s106 spent on sports facilities.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.