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18/0829/FUL - Lion Yard and St George House, Lion Yard, Petty Cury

02/01/2019 - 18/0829/FUL - Lion Yard and St George House, Lion Yard, Petty Cury

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for a change of use of St George House and Lion House from office (Class B1) to hotel (Class C1); relocation of nightclub (Sui Generis) in St George House to basement service yard in Lion Yard shopping centre (Class A1); relocation of the substation within the basement; associated alterations to the buildings including new windows, new entrance to the nightclub from the shopping centre, new goods lift for the hotel and cycle parking.


Tim Cakebread (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Members of the Committee were concerned that an opportunity to improve the area was being missed. It was suggested that the design was poor and did not enhance a conservation area. Concerns were raised about poor disabled access and the lack of a travel plan.


Members suggested that the new build area proposed around the Heidelberg Garden could be improved.


Members requested the preparation of a detailed travel plan to be submitted for assessment as part of the application


Councillor Blencowe proposed deferring the application.


This motion was carried by 6 votes to 1 and 3 abstentions.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 7 votes to 3) to defer the application for planning permission for a further submission of a Travel Plan detailing how vehicular movements to and from the site, in connection with the proposed development, would be minimised and managed.