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18/1116/FUL - Land North of Harrison Drive and West of The Donald Macintyre Building, Hills Road

02/01/2019 - 18/1116/FUL - Land North of Harrison Drive and West of The Donald Macintyre Building, Hills Road

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the erection of a new children's day nursery on the existing Faculty of Education car park, with associated outdoor playspace, alterations to the car park, provision of new bicycle and buggy parking, landscaping and ancillary works.


The Committee noted the amendment sheet and further updates and corrections as detailed by the Officer. Amendments to the wording of condition 9 were tabled.


The Committee received representations in objection to the application from local residents.


The representations covered the following issues:

       i.          Whilst supporting the need for the nursery, residents had concerns about road safety of children in a busy area.

     ii.          Noise disturbance would be a problem for local residents.

   iii.          There was insufficient parking in the area.

   iv.          Elderly residents in need of care and medical support would find parking spaces occupied by parents.

    v.          Cars would be likely to park on the pavement.

   vi.          Noise mitigation measures would not resolve the noise issues.

 vii.          Additional protections were needed to protect the amenity of existing residents.


Professor Chris Abell (Applicant) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Blencowe proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation 21 in that additional noise prevention measure be installed. Final wording for the condition to be delegated to officers in consultation with the Chair and spokes.


This amendment was carried by 9 votes to 1.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 6 votes to 3 and 1 abstention) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers.



the 4th and 5th paragraphs of recommended Condition 9 amended to read as follows:


3) Specifically, if the surface water drainage scheme requires discharge of water to infrastructure on adjoining sites not within the ownership of the applicants (or their successors in title), the submitted details shall include a completed legal easement(s) between the applicants and the adjoining landowner(s) which grants all necessary rights to the applicant and its successors in title to carry out the required works, maintain and replace them thereafter, and to discharge surface water through the surface water media constructed, throughout the lifetime of the development.


The approved details shall be fully implemented on site prior to any works on site, other than demolition and the construction of the drainage infrastructure itself, and shall be retained thereafter.

AND the addition of a further condition to increase the effectiveness of the acoustic barrier on the north and east boundaries, wording to be drafted by officers and submitted to Chair, Vice-chair and Spokes for approval.