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Matter for Decision
The report sought approval for the joint Cambridge Northern Fringe
Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2 and supporting documents to be published
for consultation.
Decision of Executive
Councillor for Planning Policy & Transport
Approved the Cambridge Northern Fringe Issues
and Options 2 for Regulation 18 public consultation in accordance with the Town
and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 for a period
of six weeks jointly with South Cambridgeshire District Council (Appendix 1 as
amended attached to the Officer’s report).
Approved the Statement of Consultation (Appendix
2 attached to the Officer’s report).
Noted the findings of the Interim Sustainability
Appraisal and Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendices 3 and 4 attached to the
Officer’s report).
Agreed to delegate authority to the Executive
Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport, in consultation with the Chair
and Spokes for the Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee, to consider and
agree, as is consistent with this Council’s Corporate Objectives, any changes
proposed by South Cambridgeshire District Council.
Delegated authority to the Joint Director of
Planning and Economic Development, in liaison with the Executive Councillor for
Planning Policy and Transport, and the Chair and Spokes for the Planning and
Transport Scrutiny Committee, to make editorial changes to the Issues and
Options Report and supporting documents prior to the commencement of the
consultation period (to comprise minor amendments and factual updates and
Reason for the
As set out in the officer’s report.
Any Alternative
Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Director of
Planning and Economic Development. The report referred to the Cambridge
Northern Fringe East area which had been designated in the new local plans for
both Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire as an area for regeneration. The area
extent, and the quantum and phasing of development, was proposed to be
established through the production of a joint Area Action Plan (AAP).
In response to the Committee’s comments the Director of
Planning and Economic Development said the following:
The use of the term ‘Knowledge District’ was
envisaged as a positive signal to show monetary value could be gained through
the industry of knowledge rather than other kind of industries such as
Important to understand these were statutory
Noted the Committee’s comments they were pleased
to include the science park as part of the development. This was necessary as
there was limited land available in an urban area and there would be a
different way of thinking to show how
the park could be used
Officers would have to justify with evidence and
viability the basis on which the figures for the employment and housing numbers
had been referenced in the report.
The reality of developing creative quarters,
such as artist studios instead of tech industries, was that creative quarters were
not as viable and would not pass the test of ‘soundness’ in a Local Plan.
However creative sectors could be developed in the long term,
Noted the Committee’s concern regarding
inequality with regard to the lack of affordable business spaces. It was possible
with policy framework to secure additional benefits which would not be
exclusive to those businesses on the science park as had occurred in the city
previously, particularly with the tech industry.
Affordable enterprises and business spaces were
being considered at how this might be included. It was important to remember
that this would have a reflective cost and further work and consultation was
needed on how this could be delivered.
Officers recognised the need to work with
Members and residents’ groups whom had the knowledge and experience of the
locality to share.
Engagement with members of the public through
area committee meetings and local residents association on the development had
begun. These groups had been asked to identify other resident groups /
organisations to further cascade the engagement and consultation process.
It was important to identify all the wide range
of users within the locality of the development, various businesses, employees
and operators who used the science park, residents who lived adjacent to the
park and those residents who lived on the city edge such as those in
There was a recommendation in the delegation to
make editorial changes to the Issues and Options Report and supporting
documents prior to the commencement of the consultation period (to comprise
minor amendments and factual updates and clarifications).
The EQIA would be updated through each stage of
the process.
The Housing Infrastructure Team had estimated
that the capacity of the development could produce 7600 homes on what was a
significant piece of land. The report outlined how:
To make
more efficient use of brownfield land; looking at the volume of traffic to and
from the site.
The science park could become a ‘mix used
district, (not just housing in one area, employment in the other, joined by a
road as would have been done in the past).
The highway ‘trip budget’ approach referenced in
the report identified the level of vehicular trips that could be made to and
from the areas east and west of Milton Road without leading to a severe further
impact on the strategic road network. It was therefore based on the number of
trips generated and not any particular level of development.
The policy would challenge the developer to
demonstrate how their schemes could compliment the overall number of trips on
the road; such as looking at the management of car parking spaces, the
promotion of linked trips ensuring there were facilities for both employees and
residents to avoid travel out of the area. This could be done by the early
development of a school and community facilities to reduce vehicular travel.
Car parking spaces on the science park covered
more of the land (area) than buildings. This provided an opportunity for
development and in turn would incentivise businesses to push innovative travel
plans for their employees.
Developers / businesses needed to move away from
one parking space for one person for a 24 hour period and begin to think about
communal parking with different functions at different times.
The Committee:
The Chair proposed the following amendments to Appendix A (Cambridge Northern Fringe Area Action Plan Issues and
Options 2) additional text underlined, deleted text struck through:
The Director for Planning and Economic Development reminded
the Committee that any changes to Appendix A would also require approval from
the Lead Member at South Cambridgeshire District Council; further amendments
may also be considered outside of the meeting.
Throughout document |
Amend Title to North East Cambridge Area Action Plan |
8 & 42 |
Para 13 & 4.4 |
Amend Vision to read: ‘North East Cambridge Northern Fringe – An inclusive,
thriving, and low carbon place for innovative living and working;
in which economic growth and prosperity are delivered with social justice and
equality, inherently walkable where everything is on your doorstep.’ |
8 & 43 |
Para 13 & 4.5 |
Amend objective heading: ‘A high quality, healthy, biodiverse place, which
will be a major contributor to achieving zero carbon in Greater Cambridge by
2050’ |
8 & 43 |
Para 13 & 4.5 |
Replace objective heading: ‘An adaptable knowledge district’ with ‘A City Innovation District which will deliver affordable
homes, a diverse range of quality jobs and excellent neighbourhood
facilities. ‘ |
48 |
5.13 |
‘This new city district needs activity and vibrancy to
support the existing and establishing communities. The leisure and
cultural offer to enrich lives is a key component of creating successful
places and will be needed for residents, workers and visitors alike.
Embedding creativity and culture into the scheme is a vital aspect to the
success of the CNF as a new city district with its own identity. A leisure
and cultureal strategy along with a
public art strategy will be needed early in the process to support the
overall masterplanning and decision making for the
regeneration of the CNF.’ |
50 |
5.16 |
Cambridge Regional College As an innovation district, the CNF needs to capitalise on
great links to education facilities in the area to improve links to
businesses. Cambridge Regional College (CRC) is a major further and higher education facility
with a catchment, which includes Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and
Suffolk. The existing CRC site supports 3,000 full-time further and
higher education students. Due to its close proximity to the CNF site and the
role that the college plays within the immediate and wider area we need to
consider how the two can function together and support each other. |
80 |
9.3 |
A range of community facilities will be required to serve
local residents and staff. This will require either new provision on site, or
improvements to existing facilities. Where these are off site, we will
need to consider how these can be easily accessed. The Councils are in
discussion with service providers on what these needs are, and this will
continue as the draft AAP is developed . |
53 |
Q15 |
E - Increasing ease of movement across the sites by
opening up opportunities to walk and cycle through areas where this is
currently difficult, for example Cambridge business park and the Cambridge
Science Park, improving access to the Kings Hedges and East Chesterton
areas as well as the City beyond. |
64 |
6.13 |
The Chisholm Trail, creating a mostly off-road and
traffic-free route between Cambridge Station, via Abbey, and the new Cambridge North Station, and
beyond to St.Ives and Huntingdon. |
32 |
6.26 |
Effective ‘last mile’ links from the station and from the
busway stops to destinations like the Science Park will be key
to the area’s success. This potentially could use innovative solutions like autonomous
vehicles, demand responsive transport, or cycle hire schemes. |
65 |
Q25 |
Question 25: Do you agree that the AAP should be seeking a
very low share of journeys to be made by car compared to other more
sustainable means like walking, and cycling and public transport to and from, and within the area? |
70 |
7.3 |
Employment will form an important part of the mix, bringing
together a diverse range of business and employment opportunities
to create a vibrant new
district for Cambridge, where there are opportunities for existing and new
residents to live and work in the area, and which responds to the
transport constraints and opportunities in the area. |
70 |
Add new para after 7.3 |
‘As highlighted in chapter 2 of this report, adjoining
wards are among the most deprived in Cambridgeshire. North East Cambridge
provides an opportunity to deliver new affordable housing, shops services and
infrastructure that can offer opportunity and improve amenities in this part
of Cambridge. Development could also provide opportunities for specific
measures to share the benefits of new development with surrounding
communities, such as training and employment opportunities.’ |
81 |
9.4 |
Amend Sentence: ‘Active open space often requires facilities and
structures to support and promote this use, such as toilets,
walkways, run routes, interpretation material, seating, tables, children’s
playgrounds areas and sports fields.’ |
This amendment was
carried 7 votes to 0.
The Committee
resolved 7 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations as amended.
The Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport approved the recommendations